Friday, August 30, 2013

Rock Those Mom Jeans!

I read someones blog about the hideous and dreadful "mom jean" and how to not fall into that trap. First of all, if the placement of the pockets on my jeans aren't where you think they should be, well, should you really be looking at my butt? Second, if my high waist paint offends you, don't look, you are not the one wearing them, I am and I'm OK with it. Third, do I have $60+ to spend on jeans that not only fit but are also "socially acceptable"? No, not really.
   I will rock those plus size, Lane Bryant, on super clearance, wide pocket, high waist jeans and I will not care if some fashion snob calls them "Mom Jeans".
   Ladies, just stop it. Stop looking down your noses at other women. If it really bothers you that much then treat a woman to a nice new pair of jeans or get over it.
   While I am on my soap box I would like to add eyebrow waxing to the mix. I have been with women who rolled their eyes and had gas looks on their faces when it came to women who didn't pluck or wax their eye brows. "Oh my gawd, did you see her eyebrows, that is so disgusting!" No, your attitude is disgusting, grow up.

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