Friday, November 25, 2011


   It's Thanksgiving! WooHoo!! I love this time of year. I love reminding myself of all the good things in my life. I have done my fare share of whining but how can I whine on Thanksgiving when I can fill a notebook with things I am thankful for.
1. My family. I love them so very much. They are such great people and they make me laugh. I am so proud of them. My hubby is such a good man. He really takes care of us and works so hard and he loves me so very much. My kids. What can I say, I just think they are good stuff! <3
2. My best friend and her family. I love her so much and I got to spend most of the day with her, cooking and chatting. I love her family and she loves mine. That's pretty special to me :o)
3. A special little surprise, I got to see my sister-in-law and brother-in-law. It has been a long time and I always have a good time with them.
4. My hubby grilled a wonderful turkey. Oh, I am so thankful for grilled turkey.
5. The kids were so good today. Everyone got along and there was no fighting, even when the Dolphins lost.
6. Home made chocolate chip cookies. Apples with Nutella.
7. Realizing I'm OK, even though I gained back those 30lbs I lost. It's not the end of the world.
8. Making my little apartment my home.
9. Painting a scratched, hand-me-down dining table that I love so much.
10. The surface that I do my push-ups on every day is getting closer and closer to the floor. Pretty soon I will actually be doing them on the floor, again. I started with the wall then the bathroom counter now the lower bar on my foot board.
11. You. I'm thankful for those of you who take a minute to read my blog. It really means a lot to me. Thank you <3
   I could go on and on but I will leave it at 11.

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